The success of our company relies on our skilled workforce
As a major employer in Tayside, D J Laing is proud of its skilled workforce whom they know can be relied upon to carry out work and consistently deliver to the highest standards. Investment in the future of their staff and development is the key to their continual growth.
We are passionate about our industry and the built environment so believe in employing a local workforce and developing our team with the right skills and offering work experience placements and 2 – 4 year apprenticeships.
The DJ Laing Group now employees approximately 100 people throughout Tayside with 30% of the employees having been with the company for more than 20 years and 60% over 10 years.
“The one secret of our success is in the people we employ, the in-house teams we build and successful partnerships we enjoy. We would have not achieved the success to date without them.”
– David Laing, Chairman, 2017